
网络 is the process of making connections and building relationships. These connections provide you with advice and contacts, which help you make informed career decisions. 网络 helps you find unadvertised jobs/internships, and occurs in a group or one-on-one setting.


网络 involves building relationships with people who will often become your friends and professional colleagues as you advance your career. A networking contact might provide:

  • Job search advice or where jobs are typically listed.
  • Tips on your resume, portfolio, or how to advance your career.
  • Names of people and contacts for future employment.
  • 行业趋势.

Create a list of people that are closest to you to know who your network is:

  • Family, friends, roommates, and significant others
  • 教师 and staff, fellow students, and alumni
  • Past and present co-workers
  • 邻居
  • 学生 club, sports team, and community group members
  • People at the gym, the local coffee house, and the neighborhood store
  • People in your faith community

These people are part of your current network. This list will evolve and you need keep updating with names and contact information. Ask your contacts to introduce you to their contacts and keep your list growing.


Make sure to reach out and stay in touch with your contacts. You can update them through:

  • social media (LinkedIn, Instagram, 脸谱网)
  • 电子邮件
  • 电话
  • 视频聊天